DHCS approves Hexplora as a PATH Technical Assistance vendor
for California’s ECM and CS Providers

Hexplora is approved by California
Department of Health Care Services (DHCS)-as a technical assistance (TA) vendor.
Hexplora aims to provide rich set of Analytical solutions to CA based CBOs and California’s
Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports (CS) providers by
enabling them to

  • Ø  Streamline reporting needs with MCPs.
  • Ø  Improve clinician productivity by way automating manual tasks,
  • Ø  Showcase their positive impact on the high-need populations to the
  • Ø  Monitor and Improve Quality measures.
  • Ø  Reduce Utilization and Improve health of the members.

In addition to MSSP
ACOs, Health Plans and CBOs across the nation, Hexplora works with MassHealth
based ACOs and Community Partners (CP) that were created as part of a DSRIP
program where Hexplora has earned reputation as a “Health IT vendor that
listens and delivers on promises”. 

Hexplora has been a TA
vendor for MassHealth and successfully executed on multiple TA projects and
delivered all of them and on time. In fact, Hexplora continues to be the
largest Population Health Analytics vendor and supports CPs in the new DSRIP
program Cp 2.0.

The MassHealth based CP
program is very similar to CalAIM and Hexplora comes prepared with all the
knowledge gained in working with CPs to make them successful and grow, to
CalAIM program.

Now, the PATH TA funding
will enable CA based ECM providers gain Technical Assistance from Hexplora to
work with MCPs, optimize capacity, improve reach, and grow.

What can you expect from
Hexplora TA services:

For CBOs participating
in CalAIM, it is extremely important to show data capabilities that includes
being able to ingest the data coming from MCPs, capability to Analyze the data
for Care Gaps, monitor clinician productivity for optimal resource planning and
compute Quality measures on continuous basis to make effective changes.

All the above features
will help a CBO to showcase their impact on the high-need populations for
internal purposes as well as to the MCP to enable them to assign more members.