HEX Provider Engagement

Hexplora enables healthcare organizations to facilitate coordination and cooperation among providers to improve the quality of care and reduce unnecessary costs. Hexplora offers a highly secure yet flexible role-based security model that allows Providers to have full access to their assigned patients’ data. Hexplora’s comprehensive Analytics capabilities empower Providers by providing visibility into the overall healthcare cost and utilization metrics for their members. PCPs rarely have visibility into the overall healthcare cost for their assigned members. When individual physicians are able to see overall cost and utilization metrics along with a report of their own performance compared to national benchmarks, including, hospitalization rates, re-admission rates, LOS, ER visits, and granular cost data, it is a truly eye-opening experience.

Hexplora’s Care Management Application can be directly integrated into Physician workflows enabling them to achieve significant data-driven care and quality improvement at member and population level. Provider Performance Reports support information transparency and allow healthcare organizations to individually engage physicians in implementing provider specific intervention strategies.